The Little Flower Ranch, Waystation & Vortex

Try to imagine an idyllic location, a place where you know you'll be safe for a time, close to nature without being too far from the nearest stoplight and mini-mart. A place where you will find enough of what you need and as little of what you don't need, for as long as you need. Sounds nice, doesn't it?

Tell me about it. I live here.

Of course, then, there's the vortex.

The ranch is tucked away near a forested hilltop, one of many crowding a broad oak savannah somewhere on the Left Coast of North America. It's a peaceful little parcel outside of a sleepy one-stoplight town close enough to a city you can see its halo on the next hill over.

The waystation is where we live. We like company, but for most folks, we're an out-of-the-way station. It's part of the charm, I guess.

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